We are invited to join communities from across Nova Scotia, to show our government we are all expecting to be heard.
Announcement of Coalition for Environmental, Social, Economic and Artistic Justice Demonstration.
Please only share with trusted allies on secure private sites or through direct messaging.
Urgent: Your participation and help are needed.
What: A demonstration will take place at the
Where: Nova Scotia Legislature, 1726 Hollis St on
When: October 13th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Why: to address the misuse and abuse of Nova Scotia resources and finances for short term profit for a few now, over long term protection for the many now and for generations to come. This aggressive destruction of Nova Scotia’s environmental and economic sustainability has to be actively addressed in a broad and deep protest from the citizens of this province. To this end,
Who: Concerned Citizens of Nova Scotia and their supporters
How: Come with placards, banners, megaphones, props, costume, etc. to let the present government know that we do not accept their lack of action for protection of our natural ecosystems in the name of foreign and local non-environmentally healthy and sustainable corporations' profit. We do not accept their allocations of government and public resources to unbeneficial and especially foreign entities, while creating long term negative impacts to NS based industry and businesses.
Important: Please only tell those you trust unequivocally of this action but please do share vigorously with those you trust.
Please only share with trusted allies on secure private sites.
- Stay on the sidewalk
- No spilling onto the street
- NO stopping traffic
- Stop making noise when the Lieutenant Governor arrives and leaves. A brass band will play.
All attendees are encouraged to bring their own signs “Stop Spraying in Nova Scotia” to show we are more than one community, but also include a flip side slogan on the back of your sign, or use as an alternative – a series of which will provide clarity that we are united together and shows our demands.
Choose from any of the following:
The goal of this demonstration is to be inclusive, to bring everyone into the protest. Whatever you put out should provide a firm but friendly reminder that we are united in protecting our health, our safety, the environment, resource sustainability and democracy and the rights of all of us to live in this province free from harm. The issues across Nova Scotia are not solely corporate profits vs environment. These actions by government have gone against the will of the people. This demonstration is a broad representation of groups and individuals supporting issues related to but not exclusively the following:
- failing to adhere to the Precautionary Principle and legislation intended to provide protection for the public and their environment.
- failure by the present provincial government to honour binding treaties with Mi'kmaq nations.
- failing to provide meaningful consultation with indigenous and non-indigenous members of the public in all matters related to decisions that impact their health and social well-being.
- failing to include protections in agreements with industry that protect the financial and social well-being of all Nova Scotians
- subsidizing foreign based industry through accesses to crown resources and funding, while failing to provide health services, facilities and road infrastructure desperately needed in the province
- contributing to the high cancer and respiratory illnesses affecting the people of Nova Scotia by failing to act on regulations
- failing to act honourably by misleading and misinforming the public
- failing to act on behalf of the citizens of Nova Scotia or in the public interest
- contaminating and altering the ecosystem of the Shubenacadie River with salt brine to create caverns to store gas intended for markets elsewhere for corporate benefit -- Alton Gas
- spraying glyphosate, a known carcinogen, combined with other toxic chemicals, on Acadian forests to kill hardwoods in order to encourage softwood growth for pulp (softwood does not absorb carbon the way hardwoods do or create habitat) -- Northern Pulp and Irving
- clearcutting forests for biomass furnaces, an only 16% efficient process and biomass was not brought in to burn trees, just scrap.-- Brooklyn and Port Hawkesbury
- failing to adhere to national plan to move away from fossil-fuel generated power by reopening coal mines -- Donkin
- failing to support local businesses and industry by enforcing existing legislation -- Pictou, Guysborough, Aerotech
- failing to protect citizens from harm, by ignoring experts and evidence at hand --Fall River, No Spray, Noel and Kennetcook
- refusing to create fish passageway and other conditions conducive to protecting fish and other river flora and fauna -- Avon River
- refusing to implement a fair, simple and inexpensive fee on carbon pollution as the federal government is mandating, with recycled revenue to the citizens in the form of dividends and protective allowances for rural industries.
- threatening fisheries/ the environment with tidal power technology without baseline studies with which to compare its effects -- Bay of Fundy and Minas Basin
- threatening waters with offshore oil exploration and quadrupling of Bay of Fundy tanker traffic -- Energy East, Suncor, Esso, Shell, etc
- expropriating private lands to accommodate foreign corporations in mining profiteering -- Black Point/Fogarty’s Cove, Moose River
- failing to act on and prevent water contamination by industry – Harrietsfield, Williamswood, Boat Harbour
- caving in to a foreign corporation to allow them to continue polluting Pictou County air and water--Northern Pulp
- failing to protect the financial interest of Nova Scotians by obligating taxpayers to non-capped financial contracts and investing in foreign infrastructure and employment -- Yarmouth Ferry
- cancelling the Film Tax Credit after promising not to & destroying $180 million in revenue for Nova Scotia small business
- failing to act fairly in providing and promoting opportunities in secondary education by removing tuition caps and subsidizing elite members in unnecessary ventures – MIT Nine
- misuse of public funds for party promotional activities
- using divisive and misleading information to promote select industry, using false statistics and ignoring facts.
- decreasing funding to facilities for senior citizen care, mental health services and essential non-profits
- supressing union rights and failing to intervene with a nine month long strike which has seen our daily record, The Chronicle Herald, severely weakened and ineffective democratically.
As previously stated, this list in not exclusive and may be amended to include and expand on any and all issues related to Environmental, Social, Economic and Artistic Justice.