By Richard Bell
Sad news for Dobbit Bakehouse fans. We received the press release below this afternoon announcing the closing of Dobbit Bakehouse. The shop's wonderful treats and coffee have fueled all of at the Cooperator since the paper began in 2014. We will sorely miss the many conversations we had there. Best wishes to Paul, his partner Jim, and all the staff. [The photo shows owner Paul Nichol with his "Jake the Baker" national award in 2018 from Bakers Journal for his work mentoring young people and raising funds for community groups.]
Here's the press release:
Musquodoboit Harbour, NS -- After nearly 15 years, the rural artisan bakery featuring baked breads and sweets made with local, natural ingredients announces its closure. Paul Nicholl built and operated the bakery after leaving the IT industry decades ago. The bakery became a hot spot for lively discussion at its café tables, and a source of indulgence with sweets not often found in other bakeries. Dobbit Bakehouse introduced some European styled breads with modest scepticism from locals, but they were quickly embraced alongside its renowned Granny’s Brown and Granny’s White breads. Dobbit Bakehouse is also one of the original vendors at the Musquodoboit Harbour Farmers’ Market.
“This industry is very demanding both physically and emotionally” says Nicholl. “Although not yet ready for retirement, I cannot keep up the pace required and expected of our customers. Ingredient prices are soaring (butter up 56% in 12 months). And the pandemic was a rough ride which required 110%. I’ve nothing left in the tank.”
“I will miss serving our regular customers. Our seasonal customers when they return for the summer. A youngster’s first bite of a meringue,” says Nicholl. “The support from the community has been awesome. I mean, where else would a community start a Go-Fund-Me page for the staff to recover their lost wages when the roof caved in several years ago? The Eastern Shore rocks!”
The bakery will continue to operate until the end of December 2022.,
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