By Richard Bell
Opponents of the Kiann Management Limited’s rezoning request (Case 19800) to build a construction & demolition (C&D) recycling plant on Highway 7 in Porters Lake are hoping that HRM Councillors will finally reject the proposal at the April 4 meeting of the Harbour East Marine Drive Community Council. The meeting starts at 6pm at the Lake Echo Community Center.
Residents have been fighting this proposal since the company’s initial application in 2015, leading to the creation of the formidable Concerned Residents of Porters Lake, Lake Echo, Preston, and Mineville Areas. At one point, the organization’s sustained opposition led the applicant to put the request on hold. The group has already held a public meeting for this latest go-round.
Deb Day, president of the Concerned Residents, sent the Cooperator the following statement encouraging people to turn out for the April 4 hearing:
“Now is the time for residents to have a real-time impact on this case just by being there. People need to be present to hear the counsellor’s discussion as it is happening. While we do not have an opportunity to provide input to that discussion, I am sure resident reaction will be evident to the counsellors. This meeting is without a doubt one of the most important moments in this fight.”