One of the great pleasures of editing this newspaper has been the opportunity to learn about the interests and concerns of the Shore’s younger writers. This issue contains the last stories for this academic year from two students from Eastern Shore District High, DJ Shuman and Marcus Brady.
Marcus is heading off to Kings College, where he will be studying journalism. And we’re hoping that DJ will be back with us in the fall, where he will also be serving as co-president of the school.
We are grateful to ESDH principal Jen Murray for working with us to set up this program. And we offer a very special thanks to ESDH teacher Krystal McKenzie, who generously agreed to oversee this program after hours, coming to monthly editorial meetings with the students, enforcing deadlines, and providing a first round of editing.
And with this issue, we also welcome the return of the two college student interns who were with us last summer, Jaime Bailey and Jill Bellefontaine. Jaime will be entering her final year in nursing at Dalhousie this fall. Jill, who has been writing and photographing for us since last summer, is studying biology at Saint Mary’s University. We are grateful to have their experience hands back on the beat.
--Richard Bell, editor