Time: 1:00pm Wednesday
Line up for the Parade is by the ball field at the exit of George St and Hwy 357. Entrants need to have a prepared write-up/description of their float entries that can be used to introduce your float in the main ring. Please check in with one of the volunteers with registration cards, at the corner of George St & Hwy 357, between 12 and 1 pm, to get your parade number and give them your write-up on your entry. Judging will take place along the parade route.
All Exhibitors are encouraged to participate.
Awards for the following categories will be presented at the Exhibition Grounds in the main ring.
• Best Commercial (Local) • Best Commercial (Non-Local) • Best 4-H |
• Best Youth Group • Best Individual • Best Group |
• Best Decorated • Best Theme • Most Humorous |
August 15, 2018 at 1:00pm - 2pm