This document contains links to videos of the District 2 Council Candidates forum on September 25 in Musquodoboit Harbour. The Musquodoboit Harbour & Area Chamber of Commerce & Civic Affairs sponsored this forum. Three of the four candidates were present. Sydnee McKay was unable to attend, but sent a statement that a Chamber member read in the Opening Statements section. The moderator changed the order for answering each question, and the answers below follow that order.
We know that people are busy, and may not have time to sit down and listen to a single video of an entire 90-minute debate. There is a separate video for each question, so you can mix and match to your heart's content. You can listen to all the answers from a single candidate, or only listen to the question or questions you're most interested in. We hope this format makes it easier for you to focus on what you want to know about the candidates for the District 2 Council seat.
Don't forget to vote--for more info on voting, check out the HRM Elections voting site, which has information on how to check if you're on the voter registration list, electronic voting, and polling place locations. The Cooperator will publish the results of this year's elections as soon as they become available.
Opening Statements
Gail McQuarrie opening statement
David Hendsbee opening statement
Shelley Fashan opening statement
Reading of statement from Sydnee McKay
Question 1: What infrastructure needs to you consider the most critical for growth in our rural communities? When elected, what is your plan to address these needs?
Gail McQuarrie
David Hendsbee
Shelley Fashan
Question 2: Aging demographic: What are your strategies to promote public and private investing in your communities as it relates to the development of senior citizens’ housing?
David Hendsbee
Shelley Fashan
Gail McQuarrie
Question 3: Recreation: What is your plan to address and improve our trails?
Shelley Fashan
Gail McQuarrie
David Hendsbee
Question 4: When elected, how would you insure that residents in our communities will be actively consulted in assessing the impact of bylaws that have an effect on our communities before they are given consideration by Regional Council slash staff?
Gail McQuarrie
David Hendsbee
Shelley Fashan
Closing Statements
David Hendsbee
Shelley Fashan
Gail McQuarrie