Wills and Directives with Kristen O’Keefe, B.A., M.H.E., LL.B.
10 AM- 12 PM
Far too often people of all ages fail to plan ahead for later in life. Thinking about or discussing Wills and Powers of Attorney may make people feel uncomfortable. However, without such advance planning, families are often left scrambling and sometimes in deep conflict. This FREE presentation will cover a variety of subjects related to estate planning including Wills, Guardianships, Power of Attorneys, Personal Health Care Directives and Probate. It is hoped this presentation will benefit attendees of any age by helping to increase their understanding of their legal rights and responsibilities, thereby helping them to make better informed decisions and plans for the future.
April 26, 2018 at 10:00am - 12pm
The old School Community Gathering Place
· 902-889-2735