By DJ Shuman
Every day we see shifts to a more eco-friendly world, whether it be with the new Sobey’s bags, or the clear garbage bags.
However, one industry seems to be lagging behind when it comes to cutting down on waste. Manufacturers of supplement, pill, and other medical products have been long known to use f excessive materials and practices -- notice how many pills are in the next bottle of Tylenol you open.
But the seniors of the Eastern Shore say enough is enough. Several members have noted that their everyday medications have extremely wasteful packaging, and they are ready to do something about it.
Edyth Shuman, President of the Harbour Lites Seniors’ Club, explained what they plan to do: “[we have] taken note of this and would like to try to get a motion in to the Nova Scotia Government when we meet at the annual general meeting of the Nova Scotia Federation of Seniors in May.”
Harbour Lites is passionate that the industry should change their packaging to smaller, more proportionate bottles. She went on to say that “we hope to present our resolution and have it forwarded onto the Provincial Government”.
Harbour Lites plans to bring a public petition to the general public to get community groups and members to weigh in on this issue.