Renowned local artist Joe Purcell passed away on October 16, 2020. In his memory, our cover this month is one of his family’s favorite prints, Chezzetcook The Land of My People. This cover is not Joe’s first time on our cover
In December of 2019, he appeared in the lobby of Porters Lake Elementary School, where he was working in collaboration with students to complete a painting that graces the walls there, a reflection of his passion for teaching others.
I always enjoyed getting a chance to talk with him, whether at his hang-out in the corner of the Rose & Rooster, or at shows like the one at the Musquodoboit Harbour Library. He was a wonderful storyteller. After I asked about the special luminance of crows in his work compared to other birds, he sat me down and proceeded to tell me one of best stories I’ve ever heard about how smart crows were. His love of birds and animals and nature shone through all his work, as did his love for his Acadian roots. We will miss him.
--Richard Bell