By Lynn Matheson, MusGo Rider
MusGo Rider vehicles are a familiar sight along the Eastern Shore. They provide a drive to medical appointments, work, training, errands, or grocery shopping.
MusGo Rider’s goal is to provide a safe, affordable, and dependable transportation solution to improve the quality of life of residents while contributing to a vision of a green community.
In fact, there are two services provided by two non-profits along the Eastern Shore. One is MusGo Rider Cooperative Ltd. for anyone going to and from the catchment area of Lawrencetown/East Preston to Ship Harbour travelling within Halifax Regional Municipality.
The other is MusGo Valley-Sheet Harbour for anyone going to and from the catchment area of West Ship Harbour to EcumSecum and the Musquodoboit Valley travelling to anywhere within Nova Scotia.
MusGo Valley-Sheet Harbour is currently reviewing its services and wants to connect with the community to see how it could be better served. The MusGo Valley-Sheet Harbour team will collect information this fall with the goal of a business plan in early 2023. Feedback is welcome from the community, community organizations, and local politicians.
If you would like to contribute, please email [email protected] or call Jessie at 902-476-0010. Please visit the website for more information: